Renowned Speakers You Won’t Want to Miss at the VMWDPTC

Join us next Thursday, Nov. 5 at the Virtual Midwest Damage Prevention Training Conference (VMWDPTC) for a day full of thought-provoking sessions and damage prevention training. This year, we’re thrilled to bring you two renowned speakers whose captivating, firsthand accounts shed light on the importance of safety and disaster preparedness.

Keynote Speaker Commander Kirk Lippold, USN (Ret.) will start your day off on an inspiring note with his message about leadership during crisis. As the Commanding Officer of the USS Cole when it came under a suicide terrorist attack by al Qaeda in Yemen in 2000, Commander Lippold will share how safety training and disaster preparedness helped his crew save the warship from sinking.

Join us in the afternoon at 1 p.m. ET to hear from Featured Speaker Mercedes Ramirez Johnson, who uses her experience as a survivor of a plane crash that killed 160 people to share the important message that when it comes to safety, there are no second chances. Her compelling story uses the factual account of the crash of Flight 965 to drive home the dangers of complacency and the importance of situational awareness in matters of safety.

Register for the Conference

Once you register for the conference, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to sign up for the sessions you’d like to attend. You will not be able to access any session unless you register for that session in advance, so make sure you complete this step.

We’ll see you on November 5!

The VMWDPTC Planning Team

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