Indiana 811’s design tools help you plan projects with existing infrastructure in mind. Decide which design tool is appropriate for your needs and get started today. Remember that neither a Design Inquiry nor a Design Ticket are substitutes for a Locate Request.


Design Tool Inquiry

  • A great early step and starting point. Best for initial project planning, when scope is being determined.
  • No restrictions on linear feet.
  • Does not generate a ticket to Member Utilities. 
  • Will provide you a list of affected member utilities and their contact information, if available.

Design Inquiry Tool is only offered online, and activation is required.

Request Design Inquiry Tool


Design Ticket

  • More specific and formal than a Design Tool Inquiry. 
  • Restricted by the same linear footage limits of a standard dig ticket.
  • Generates a ticket to Member Utilities providing them 10 full working days to respond.
  • Only 2 Design tickets can be submitted for the same project and from the same source in any given 180-day period.

Creating Design tickets online requires you to complete the self-guided Pro Training course before activation.


    If you already have a pro account and need to add Design Ticket permissions, please click here.

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