Teaching Your Customers About Private Utilities

Indiana 811 Members:

As you may know, some underground utilities on personal property will NOT be marked by Indiana 811 member utilities because they are private utilities and not owned or operated by Indiana 811 members. To illustrate the differences between private and public utilities, please visit Indiana811.org/myutilities. You will find more information and examples of private utilities and a list of some private locator companies in Indiana.

Please share and link to this important information with your employees, customers and professional excavators! We encourage links on your website, social media posts and Indiana811.org/myutilities in emails to educate about private utilities on private property.

There is one general rule to remember: if the utility runs from the street to the meter, it will be marked. If the utility is installed from the meter to another location on their property, it will not be marked.

Learn More About Private Locates

We thank you for your support in sharing this important information.

Indiana 811

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